Draca Wards Saga

Draca Wards Saga

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A book award and a bad review

Yay! This weekend I will be in Miami at the 2013 Readers’ Favorite Awards! Familiar Origins has won an Honorable Mention award in the Fantasy Fiction category, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be able to attend the ceremony and meet other authors.


This will be my third award. Familiar Origins also won two first place Royal Dragonfly Awards in 2012.
Yeah, I know. They are crooked.
Yeah, I know. They are crooked.

It’s a great feeling to be recognized. Readers’ Favorite has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years, so I realize this Honorable Mention could very well be a big thing. The book has not received mainstream attention, but so many readers love the story, and that really makes the long nights worthwhile. I also realize that Familiar Origins is not for everyone. Here is one reviewer who did not like the story at all:


However, There is a positive side. The reviewer liked my next two books much more, so it is easier to swallow the criticism.



And so I am off to prepare for my trip.


P.S. — If you are reading this through my Writing Fantasy blog, please visit my Author Website at www.bpinestories.com. It is not complete yet, but I am adding things little by little. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Opheliona is on a roll! I just love the way she put Galen up in a tree. Here she is, sporting Morgan's version of the Espies haircut.

Thanks again, Morgan. I can't wait to see what you do with the boys!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cover Reveal! Book 3 of the Draca Wards Saga

Okay, I know that cover reveals are usually anticipated events that authors should be counting down and heralding. So forgive me for just throwing this out at everyone, but I can't wait to show it off!

Coming of Age- Book 3 of the Draca Wards Saga:

I will keep you guys in suspense with the release date, though. :-)  

Okay, I'll give you a bit of info. It will be available this year.  Actual release date coming very soon.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Opheliona's Jania

It is so cool to glimpse my characters through a reader's eyes. Morgan sent me this portrait of Jania:

By Morgan Welch- http://opheliona.deviantart.com/
I really appreciate what you have done, Morgan. I know how much time and work it takes to do something like this. It shows how much you enjoyed the story and for that I am truly grateful. Thank you.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

A few pics

Last week I did a signing at Acorn Books store and a speaking event at Kent County Library:

Acorn Books, March 9th

The library made a dragon display in my honor!
Thank you to Friends of Kent County Library for the bag.
I had a great time at both events and met some great people. I wish I had time to go into details.

The Kent County Public Library in Delaware is having an Authors and Audiences event on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Due to my impending move, I had to bow out of the event. <sniff>  But if you are from the Baltimore/Delmarva area, please drop by.  There was a great group of authors and artists last year, and I am sure it will be even better this year. If you are interested, you can visit their Facebook page for more information.  https://www.facebook.com/KCPLibrary

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

You can't beat free

I have a full plate before me for the next couple of months. I will be moving from Delaware to Florida very soon. I had a couple of events this past week. I will blog a bit more about them soon. Right now I want to let everyone know that my second book is now free on Amazon. Click on the image to go to the Amazon page and download it.

Click the book cover to download a free copy of Plights

 You can't beat free. Now there is no excuse not to get a copy. That is, unless you don't like to read ebooks.

Coming soon: Event pics!
